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10125214 2010-11-18 10:05
PRATO小刘: 最近在忙什么呢
黑色幻想LH 2010-11-17 14:16
小刘  你知道签工单上面算一年的总数是按 totale competenze来相加呢 还是按下面的 netto del mese 来相加啊 ,因为我还没到一年 还拿不到年底的总单 所以想算算 按我自己现在的报工够不够带我老公和孩子。谢谢!
wangmwng 2010-11-16 13:48
tchotcho 2010-11-10 17:16
朱来芳 2010-11-8 16:41
PRATO小刘: 最近在忙什么呢
Nicolo 2010-11-2 21:54
38571535 2010-11-1 20:32
1433130082 2010-10-31 15:46
流浪儿童 2010-10-31 14:02
PRATO小刘: 简单的说一下,意大利这边广告在100到200之间,法国的只剩下首页右下角的位置了,280欧。具体可以给我发邮件[email protected]或者来电0039-3278833773咨询 ...
o哦谢谢 需要会和你联系的
流浪儿童 2010-10-31 03:50
鬼城妹妹 2010-10-28 22:46
小刘  我不转拘留按手印的时间记错了  现在该怎么办
┋毐釹孒≒ 2010-10-26 02:17
┋毐釹孒≒ 2010-10-26 02:16
洪福琦天 2010-10-25 00:33
小刘 我要转居留了  但不知道得跟我老板要什么材料 你告诉我一下 谢谢 ! 我老板是老外 最好用意大利语
开心猪 2010-10-22 02:16
a6852147 2010-10-21 21:52
liunanlimeng 2010-10-21 01:46
还要网管吗,男,21,QQ 281577850
cheekygirl 2010-10-19 21:21
PRATO小刘: IT'S NOT "MAI SHAN",IT'S "MAI SAN" it means sell something in the oen-air markets.usualy the people use some speci ...
Hi.xiaoliu ,
Thank you very much again for your reply.I know you must be very busy.I DO appreciate your time and effort try to help me.

Your English is fine ,only tiny  spelling mistake which I belive typing error .My English is not very good athough I lived in the UK for quite a few years. I finished high school many years ago and rarely have any opportunity to use English till I move to the UK .If it is not rude ,What did you study at college and which college did you study ?
For almost every thing ,Pratice makes perfect specially learnning lauguage .Let's pratice more  ,learn from each other and help each other.I am sure we will improve our English. I guess you can speak Italian very well.I just started from basic words .
cheekygirl 2010-10-19 15:38
PRATO小刘: 保证知无不尽啊
Hi xiao liu,,
could you please let me your email or skype , and what time  is convenient to talk  to you ? I am planning come  to Prato to stay 4-6 weeks ,how can I find an appatment ( 1-2 bedrooms ) with fornitures and internet ?if not ,, is it easy to share an appartment ( get one room fro msome body have spare room)  and is it safe enough .Look forward your advice.
best wishes
cheekygirl 2010-10-19 13:11
PRATO小刘: 保证知无不尽啊
Hi xiaoliu

It is raining here today.it is cold.I guess you get better weather in Prato.

I do not like rain and cold weather. Sunshine makes me happy.I 'd like to move somewhere with lots sunshine.

by teh way,, what is "mai shan "? does that means sale things in the market  or Sundady market ?Need any permission ? need a tax number ?how to pay  tax ? could you please let me know when you have time .Thanks a lot.
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